* He is the tallest member of
the band, standing at 6'3
* He's also the oldest
* He was kicked out of Catholic
School in 2nd grade
* He used to work at a laundry
* He was arrested in the UK &
more then once!
* He had to spend a couple
nights in jail while under
arrested in UK, because the
band thought it was a joke.
* His favorite band is Slayer
* He is the lead singer for the
band Pinkly Smooth
* Rev along with former A7X
bassist Justin Sane was in a
band called Suburban Legends
with Rev being on the drums for
the band before either were
involved with Pinkly Smooth or
* He attended & got kicked out
of Huntington High
* He also got kicked out of
Huntington High's Alternative
* He was born and raised in
Huntington Beach, Ca Orange
* He lived next door to M.
* He lived in Synyster’s Garage
for awhile
* He has an I.Q. upwards of 160
* He uses Zildjian Cymbals, Pro
Mark drumsticks and Exans
Drum Heads
* His drum kit is from Drum
Workshop Drums
* He's an“alcoholic”
* He likes Hookers ( he's a
dirrty dirrty boy but we like him
that way *wink* )
* He did the voice of Johnny in
the outtakes on the DVD
* He also did the voice of
Johnny in the animated short on
the A7x MVI
* He wrote both Almost Easy &
A Little Piece of Heaven on the
self titled CD
* He does vocals on Critical
Acclaim which is also on the
self titled album
* He wrote the majority of
"Afterlife" on the self titled
* The idea of Brompton Cocktail
was masterminded by Rev as
* He was going to do a clothing
line with Cam Rackam but it fell
through =[
* He can also play bass guitar,
guitar & piano
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